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Why talk about shame?

...because it affects everyone. Even me!

It doesn't matter what social level or income level you are at. It doesn't matter what your gender is or even where you come from. What binds people together when talking about shame is that it is based on FEAR

So, what's your fear? Is it the fear of:
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Being Vulnerable
  • Being exposed
  • Losing people you love, fans, etc.
  • Not being liked
  • Not being right
  • Being uncomfortable......
It is amazing hearing stories about why persons are so afraid of things that other persons see as minor, but the truth is, Wisdom comes from the lessons that we learn from various experiences. This comes with time and exposure; being willing to step out and being willing to leave your comfort zone. I had a big problem with that for a while and it almost paralyzed me because I was so afraid of failing or making a mistake. I did not like the feeling of being vulnerable so it would take me a while to attempt certain things. I would have to 'map it out' which took the fun of just living in the moment. I am glad that I got one thing right though; sticking to my support system, my circle of persons who I trusted and who always forced me to do better no matter how I hated it. 

What helped me was facing each shame with a different attitude. It is very difficult so it has to be very intentional. 

I always heard
  "if you are afraid of doing something, 
do it with the fear anyway!"

The first thing I had to do, was to keep telling myself that I am not perfect and guess what? I don't know everything! Boy was that hard for me to accept. We put on our best act because it feels great but we don't give ourselves a chance to actually live. I am not talking about 'wilding out' but just being alone when you want to be alone, calling your friends just to hang out; or for some of us, friends may keep calling us to invite us to go out and we always say 'no'. What if you chose to say yes at least once a month?

Happiness stays with memories that will last for a lifetime and it normally overflows to the persons around you who appreciate and cherish your presence. Be happy for you and be happy for those around you, it's contagious! 

"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, 
but of power, love, and self-control."

2 Timothy 1:7



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