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Showing posts from October, 2017


We could come up with long lists as to why another person is wrong and it's always our desire to prove just how wrong you are.  Did you know that God knows who we are? Did you know that He knew us even before we were born? Our personalities, environment and daily routines make us different which creates room for groups to be formed. However, when we disagree with people's actions and how they view life, we immediately want to force them to see our point of view. Especially, if we think they are hurting themselves and those around them with their mindset. We may know that our point of view is better for them to grow into the men and women they could become and it becomes very frustrating when they resist. Resisting becomes resentment and resentment turns into a relationships lost. When you have expressed concern, stop trying to force your ideals on the other person. Knock on God's door and let Him know His help is needed. We are God's vessels for His work but somehow...


Why talk about shame? ...because it affects everyone. Even me! It doesn't matter what social level or income level you are at. It doesn't matter what your gender is or even where you come from. What binds people together when talking about shame is that it is based on FEAR .  So, what's your fear? Is it the fear of: Success Failure Being Vulnerable Being exposed Losing people you love, fans, etc. Not being liked Not being right Being uncomfortable...... It is amazing hearing stories about why persons are so afraid of things that other persons see as minor, but the truth is, Wisdom comes from the lessons that we learn from various experiences. This comes with time and exposure; being willing to step out and being willing to leave your comfort zone. I had a big problem with that for a while and it almost paralyzed me because I was so afraid of failing or making a mistake. I did not like the feeling of being vulnerable so it would take me a while to at...


I woke up this morning very tired, quickly focusing on the various things that I had to cover and the week is almost finished. Yes, I prayed, I dived into the word but my mind drifted. Just thinking about the different things on my list made me more exhausted but I had to do them all; no room for excuses. I wanted to take a break and just isolate myself but leading involves dealing with adversity and challenges. Then I started to think about God; what if He was like us? What if He was afraid of challenges? We would not stand a chance here on earth! So often we wake up and are consumed as leaders, not only leaders of organisations, businesses, clubs, groups, families and the list goes on. The daily tasks take a toll on us and it leaves us exhausted; but God is saying, you have these tasks for a reason and you are a fit candidate for this journey. He gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers but He wants to be with us on the battlefield. When we are exhausted, He is so fi...


Normally after days, even months of working, we get drained. Our productivity slows down as our bodies tell us it is time to hibernate. However, society tells us that success requires commitment, consistency and never slowing down. We see hashtags everywhere on social media promoting constant work such as #teamnosleep #alwaysonthegrind and the list goes on. These phrases are normally interpreted by us to mean 'never rest or you will lose everything' but even animals have mastered how to operate in this world. After a day of work they all unwind. We too as God's people need to unwind through recreation and rest. Lack of sleep affects our health and our productivity so it is okay to rejuvenate. Do not let society determine who you should be because you are not of this world. I used to think that I was an energizer bunny and I kept going, and going, and going..., but it always led to weight loss, not remembering to eat and even #nosleep. "But what was the purpose of pus...


We all struggle with the fear of not knowing, which leads to many questions we ask ourselves. We send ourselves into a panic and then we ask God the questions that we could not answer. What if this doesn't work? What if I am not good enough? What will others think? We all are imperfect in the sight of God yet we try to stay in complete control. We try to look perfect to the world without being honest with ourselves. We want God to drive the car called 'our life' yet we always seem to grab the steering wheel. For some reason we feel He doesn't know where we should go. God loves us so much that he gives us second chances, third chances and he continues to give us the ability to make our own choices but what if we give him everything back? Give him the control and put complete faith in his hand. Let Him guide our choices. In our relationships; whether family or intimate, the longevity depends on trust. If friends cannot trust each other, if spouses lack tru...