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I have always thought about the reasons why we hold ourselves back from our purpose. Why is it we block our destiny even when we know what is ahead? This time, we look in the mirror at a fearfully and wonderfully made gift and talk ourselves out of dreams, visions and purpose. 

These reasons are locked in our trust. Who do we trust? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself? Really, in whom do I put my trust. But remember.....Be Honest with yourself!

The way we talk to people, treat people, the way we act, the way we think can all be lined up with who we trust and our priorities.

Here are some things that trouble us, whether it is one, a few or all of these...

Self Esteem

I remember always comparing myself with great people which propels me to work extremely hard but this can be both a blessing and a curse. 

The good side: We become better as we see our role models as a future reflection of ourselves. So we strive and grind as they did.

The bad side:   We starve ourselves from actually growing and more importantly enjoying the journey that we are on.

Always be positive in all of your situations, struggles, inconsistencies, wins and losses. Things have a way of always working out as God is in complete control. A model essentially, is only a mere glimpse of what something, life, etc. can look like for us. Similarly, when a model is on the runway, he or she gives you a glimpse of what you could look like in a particular design. However, what if you are not built in the same way as the person you are looking at?...You purchase the wonderful garment and instead of beauty (as expected) it looks like a disaster.

This is what happens to us as individuals who constantly try to live through other people. You background is completely different from the person you admire which explains why your drive is different, your likes are different, your styles are different and THAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT.
God did not create you to be a carbon copy of someone else, even twins are different. We are all unique.


This strongman tends to sneak up on us and cause us to spiral out of control. We are afraid of what people think, what they say, how they look at us and more. Stop and think, who in the world is 'THEY'? and why do 'THEY' matter? 

Love yourself and know that you are a blessing. You are here for a reason and you don't have to try to be perfect. Guess what, you will never be......... and 'THEY'.......are not perfect either! 

Please Note: Misery loves company, so don't join them. Learn. Improve. Then Move On!

The fear that cripples us from achieving our dreams normally relates to other people who probably do not invest time, money or anything else in order to assist you in becoming better. So, get 'THEY' out of your thoughts and be the best you that you can be.


This one is a killer! Why wait if you are standing in front of your breakthrough. Or better yet, why walk away from your breakthrough. Procrastination is a massive killer of dreams because it is not a delay but just us not taking another step. This wait is not the same as being strategic in when to strike your target, this wait is more like a lion watching his prey prancing around and then watching it as it disappears in the open.

Procrastination adds pressure to us, it tricks us in believing we have a handle on things when it is really unpredictable. A student who waits on the day before an exam to start studying, realizes that it is a complete disaster; no sleep, no appetite, anxiety and stress. Then we ask, 'was it worth it?'

Put your trust in God and then trust yourself once you've made the decision to relax and give him the wheel. He knows best, and remember........things have a funny way of working out.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, 
to them who are called according to His purpose"...Romans 8:28 (KJV)




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