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Anger is not a virtue, it is a vice and should not be kept within. It is a felling that happens in an instant and it should be released from your being in that same instant. In reality, this is not the case. We hold on to the negative energies that make us worse each day. We worry, complain, get upset, hate, and the list continues.

Each time we welcome these energies, we increase our risk of being sick and stressed out. I used to get upset for the simplest thing but it never hurt the person who I was upset with, it only hurt me and THAT MADE ME EVEN MORE ANGRY!!! There is no person in this world who has not been angry or who will never feel upset at some point of their lives but the difference with some persons is that they make different choices. The choices that we make in each moment of our lives will not only affect our present but affect our future.

When you are angry, in that moment, what do you do? Do you...
1. shout and argue so that everyone in the room hears your pain?
2. wish bad things on the person who made you upset?
3. stop talking to the person for days, weeks, months?
4. do something spiteful to get back at that person?

Whatever it is, how do you feel afterwards? Does it give you relief when the person avoids you for good or does it make you feel worse? The truth is, sometimes the person was not intentionally trying to make you mad. Maybe it was an opinion you asked for and the person gave you his/her honest opinion ("which you asked for"). It could even be an action that the person did without "you" in mind.
The act could be intentional! What a bad friend huh?

It is not about what you are given but it is how you react and what you choose to take. Happiness cannot dwell in bitterness, they do not mix. Bittersweet is not a nice flavour.

Instead, whenever you get upset, channel your energies in other ways. It is not easy to do but each singular act will cause life to get easier and anger will be something you can rid yourself of as soon as it hits you. This will make you a calmer person.

You can channel your energy in a positive way when you...
2. Read a book
3. Exercise
5. Watch Television
6. Get some work done
7. Write in your journal or just talk to a friend you haven't seen in a while.

Recompense no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. (Romans 12:17)


Be blessed and live a fulfilling life,




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