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Showing posts from January, 2018


The Bible reminds us in Matthew 7 :... "Ask and it will be given to you;  seek and you will find;  knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives;  the one who seeks finds;  and the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7: 7-8 But are we really ready and capable of receiving what we ask for? Do we know what we want to do with what we ask for? Are we going to use the request to become better or is the request for our own selfish gain. While sitting today and reflecting on my life, I realized that most of the things that I have asked God for have been granted to me. The rest; I am waiting on His answer. Asking for patience does not mean you will supernaturally wake up with great calmness, it means God will place people and situations in your life that test your patience. Maybe a difficult child, spouse, a relative who has special needs, or a nagging neighbour. You ask for resources but you don't ...


For some it's their knowledge, their smile, being practical, etc. But Acts 6:4 says...  but we will give ourselves  continually to prayer,  and to the ministry of the word. We try to connect to something beyond our reach in the physical realm not realizing that there is something greater than that realm.  God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and He wants us to connect to Him so that we have the power. He is our power source.  So how is your prayer life? When was the last time you prayed to God for His guidance? and I am not talking about your personal agenda and saying "in Jesus name" as a stamp of approval. We are not promoting slavery with God's stamp on it. God loves us unconditionally but don't believe one second that He is our slave! Sometimes the answer to our prayer will be 'No'.  We envy persons who seem to be in a situation that we were praying for ourselves but as I said, His answer can be 'No', so your succes...


We are all human and we do sometimes get drained and sometimes even bored when doing what God ordained for us, church and our spiritual life. James 1:22 says... Do not merely listen to the word  and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says. James is highlighting the fact that we listen to the Word but we do not apply it to our lives; we go to church, have meetings, but that's it! So as a result, it becomes boring, it's now just words, predictable. But God's word is meant to be acted upon.  This concept is similar to practical subjects in school. Application is necessary to master and understand the subject in its entirety. So is God's word; it is practical and He reveals Himself more and more to us as we apply His word to our lives.  Blessings! #Blessings #Joanstruth #Action #move #Godsword #deception