Today as we begin yet another journey towards a closer walk with God, we are walking away from what we want for what we need, as we serve a God who takes us into the wilderness not to starve us but to strengthen us. He is the supplier of all our needs and He wants us to be able to command the adversary, with all confidence, to flee from us as Jesus did. In Matthew 4, the adversary used temptations of different kinds such as: using your own human knowledge and power rather than waiting on God because what we see as success may not be what God ordained for us. He used promotion after denying God, even though the adversary knew that Jesus would sit at the right hand of God and he also wanted Jesus to test God. So as you go through this Lent season, let it not be the same ol' same ol'. It is not only abstaining from certain foods but also certain behaviours, thoughts and even people who keep us in a spiritually dry place. L eave E very N egative T hing behind as we gro...